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Flight: 210721a

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last modified 3 years and 6 months ago

General properties

General properties of the flight
No. 210721a
Mission CIRRUS-HL is related to the project SPP 1294 HALO
Category Platform HALO
Start 2021-07-21 05:55:57
Stop 2021-07-21 10:56:09
Comment No comment specified.

Traffic hubs

Traffic hubs for deperature and arrival
  Departure Arrival
Country Germany Spain
Latitude 48.06778° North 42.89806° North
Longitude 11.28806° East 8.40667° West
Altitude 593.4 m 369.7 m

Map of the flight track

Associated Datasets

Associated datasets include their categories (see glossary), data sources(see glossary) and their authors.
Dataset Category Data source Institute Creation
#8614 | CIRRUS-HL_20210721a_HALO-CVI_CPC_PSAP_outside_cloud_RF20.ames HALO HALO-CVI TROPOS 2022-03-14
#8615 | CIRRUS-HL_20210721a_HALO-CVI_TDL_outside_cloud_RF20.ames HALO HALO-CVI TROPOS 2022-03-14
#8488 | CIRRUS-HL_F20_20210721_1_FISH_H2O_v2.nas HALO FISH FZJ 2022-11-14
#7899 | CIRRUS_HL_F20_20210721_ADLR_AENEAS_V1.nas HALO AENEAS DLR 2021-10-22
#8188 | HALO BACARDI U Leipzig 2021-12-10
#9081 | HALO NIXE-CAPS FZJ 2022-11-15
#8788 | HALO HERA TROPOS 2022-05-02
#8068 | CIRRUS-HL_F20_20210721a_ADLR_BAHAMAS_v1.nas HALO BAHAMAS DLR 2021-11-25
#8069 | HALO BAHAMAS DLR 2021-11-25
#8070 | HALO BAHAMAS DLR 2021-11-25
#8200 | CIRRUS-HL_F20_20210721_ADLR_CCP_CIPG_v1.ames HALO CCP-CIPg DLR 2021-12-14
#8025 | CIRRUSHL_F20_20210721a_ADLR_Picarro_V3.ames HALO Picarro_CRDS DLR 2023-05-30
#7995 | CIRRUS-HL_20_2021-07-21a_FAIRO_O3_V1.ames HALO FAIRO KIT 2021-11-09
#7996 | CIRRUS-HL_20_2021-07-21a_FAIRO-CI_O3_V1.ames HALO FAIRO-CI KIT 2021-11-09
#8913 | CIRRUS-HL_F20_20210721a_WARAN_CWC_V2.ames HALO WARAN DLR 2022-12-05
#8445 | HALO-DB_flight_20_210721a_ALABAMA.txt HALO ALABAMA MPI-C 2022-02-04
#8253 | CIRRUS-HL_F20_20210721a_AIMS_H2O_v2.ames HALO AIMS DLR 2022-06-08
#8530 | CIRRUS-HL_F20_20210721_ADLR_PIP_v1.ames HALO PIP DLR 2022-02-28
#9213 | CIRRUS-HL_F20_20210721a_Merged.ames HALO Merged DLR 2022-12-07
#8643 | CIRRUS-HL_20210721a_HALO-CVI_UHSAS_outside_cloud_RF20.ames HALO HALO-CVI TROPOS 2022-03-16
#9214 | HALO Merged DLR 2022-12-07
#9122 | AMETYST_CPC_F20_210721a_R01.nas HALO AMETYST-CPC DLR 2022-11-17
#9145 | CIRRUS-HL_F20_20210721_ADLR_CCP_PIP_v2.ames HALO CCP-PIP DLR 2023-02-15

Attached files

The current 210721a of the platform HALO is related to further files.

Attached files of current 210721a.
Type Name/Description Provider Creation
KML path CIRRUS-HL_F20_20210721a_ADLR_BAHAMAS_v1.kml
DLR 2021-11-26
Quicklook CIRRUS-HL_F20_20210721a_ADLR_BAHAMAS_v1.pdf
DLR 2021-11-26

flights of the mission CIRRUS-HL

Flights Category Start Stop
210624a HALO 2021-06-24 11:58:59 15:29:05
210625a HALO 2021-06-25 11:03:20 16:50:57
210628a HALO 2021-06-28 08:07:06 15:40:53
210629a HALO 2021-06-29 07:04:42 14:58:18
210629b HALO 2021-06-29 15:57:30 18:47:38
210701a HALO 2021-07-01 10:03:40 15:10:55
210705a HALO 2021-07-05 06:21:54 10:37:35
210705b HALO 2021-07-05 11:36:12 18:41:59
210707a HALO 2021-07-07 06:29:42 12:46:14
210707b HALO 2021-07-07 13:50:52 18:38:35
210708a HALO 2021-07-08 13:12:39 18:03:57
210712a HALO 2021-07-12 06:38:25 11:36:28
210712b HALO 2021-07-12 12:27:10 18:45:27
210713a HALO 2021-07-13 13:07:03 18:21:40
210715a HALO 2021-07-15 06:23:55 10:30:55
210715b HALO 2021-07-15 12:02:19 18:18:09
210719a HALO 2021-07-19 06:21:05 12:43:23
210719b HALO 2021-07-19 13:47:04 18:14:07
210721a HALO 2021-07-21 05:55:57 10:56:09
210721b HALO 2021-07-21 11:56:19 17:05:18
210723a HALO 2021-07-23 14:27:58 22:30:18
210728a HALO 2021-07-28 11:05:27 17:54:51
210729a HALO 2021-07-29 11:45:48 16:02:04
210626a HALO 2021-06-26 07:59:40 15:27:34