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Parameter sea_​surface_​height_​above_​reference_​ellipsoid


Properties of the parameter sea_​surface_​height_​above_​reference_​ellipsoid
Name sea_surface_height_above_reference_ellipsoid
Description "Sea surface height" is a time-varying quantity. A reference ellipsoid is a mathematical figure that approximates the geoid. The geoid is a surface of constant geopotential with which mean sea level would coincide if the ocean were at rest. The ellipsoid is an approximation because the geoid is an irregular shape. A number of reference ellipsoids are defined for use in the field of geodesy. The standard name for the height of the sea surface above the geoid is sea_surface_height_above_geoid. The standard name for the height of the sea surface above mean sea level is sea_surface_height_above_sea_level.
AMIP code (Library of AMIP Data Transmission Standards) not specified
GRIB code not specified


The parameter was taken from the NetCDF CF Metadata Convention.
