Parameter atmosphere_optical_thickness_due_to_aerosol
Name | atmosphere_optical_thickness_due_to_aerosol |
Description | The specification of a physical process by the phrase due_to_process means that the quantity named is a single term in a sum of terms which together compose the general quantity named by omitting the phrase. The optical thickness is the integral along the path of radiation of a volume scattering/absorption/attenuation coefficient. The radiative flux is reduced by a factor exp(-optical_thickness) on traversing the path. The atmosphere optical thickness applies to radiation passing through the entire atmosphere. "Aerosol" means the suspended liquid or solid particles in air (except cloud droplets). |
AMIP code (Library of AMIP Data Transmission Standards) | not specified |
GRIB code | not specified |
The parameter was taken from the NetCDF CF Metadata Convention.