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Parameter downwelling_​spectral_​photon_​spherical_​irradiance_​in_​sea_​water


Properties of the parameter downwelling_​spectral_​photon_​spherical_​irradiance_​in_​sea_​water
Name downwelling_spectral_photon_spherical_irradiance_in_sea_water
Description Downwelling radiation is radiation from above. It does not mean "net downward". "spectral" means per unit wavelength or as a function of wavelength; spectral quantities are sometimes called "monochromatic". Radiation wavelength has standard name radiation_wavelength. Photon spherical irradiance is the photon flux incident on unit area of a hemispherical (or "2-pi") collector. A photon flux is specified in terms of numbers of photons expressed in moles.
AMIP code (Library of AMIP Data Transmission Standards) not specified
GRIB code not specified


The parameter was taken from the NetCDF CF Metadata Convention.
