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Mission: CAFE-Pacific

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last modified 1 month and 24 days ago


Full mission name: Chemistry of the Atmosphere: Field Experiment over the Pacific


The CAFE-Pacific mission was the third in a triad of measurement campaigns with the HALO aircraft to investigate tropical tropospheric oxidant photochemistry in combination with aerosol particle formation and growth under clean, pristine conditions over land, and contrast the results with those in marine and polluted conditions. HALO has been uniquely equipped with a custom designed payload by three departments of the MPIC and partner institutes. It consists of highly sensitive mass spectrometric and optical instrumentation, to comprehensively characterize atmospheric oxidation mechanisms, as well as their control of particle production and growth throughout the troposphere; from reactive radicals to large volatile organic compounds and their reaction products, and from small clusters to stable aerosol particles. The tropical region is of particular relevance on Earth because it represents a large fraction of the troposphere where oxidation processes are most efficient, and directly connects to the stratosphere through the upward motion generated by the formation of deep convective clouds. For example, about 80 to 90 percent of atmospheric methane oxidation takes place in the tropics, even though the largest fraction is emitted at higher latitudes. The tropical troposphere is referred to as the wash room of the atmosphere. Moreover, tropical atmospheric chemistry and aerosol processes have been much less studied compared to the extra-tropics.

Map of the measuring area


Flights Category Start Stop
231214a HALO 2023-12-14 08:59:56 12:26:34
231219a HALO 2023-12-19 10:09:33 14:33:33
240123a HALO 2024-01-23 21:59:40 2024-01-24 06:02:26
240110a HALO 2024-01-10 07:15:00 10:57:16
240109a HALO 2024-01-09 08:33:40 13:04:13
240111a HALO 2024-01-11 12:04:13 20:46:49
240112a HALO 2024-01-12 10:52:43 12:29:58
240116a HALO 2024-01-16 00:02:42 04:30:27
240120a HALO 2024-01-20 23:56:37 2024-01-21 08:29:37
240126a HALO 2024-01-26 00:00:53 08:34:57
240127a HALO 2024-01-27 21:00:17 2024-01-28 04:28:53
240128a HALO 2024-01-28 05:32:44 08:54:42
240131a HALO 2024-01-31 17:59:11 2024-02-01 02:54:40
240202a HALO 2024-02-02 22:58:06 2024-02-03 07:33:35
240204a HALO 2024-02-04 22:04:58 2024-02-05 06:37:48
240207a HALO 2024-02-07 18:04:03 2024-02-08 02:42:41
240217a HALO 2024-02-17 03:37:24 11:12:34
240209a HALO 2024-02-09 21:01:41 2024-02-10 03:38:16
240211a HALO 2024-02-11 18:42:39 2024-02-12 03:07:05
240222a HALO 2024-02-22 00:40:50 04:20:14
240216a HALO 2024-02-16 23:24:56 2024-02-17 02:28:33
240214a HALO 2024-02-14 22:50:27 2024-02-15 07:55:27
240210a HALO 2024-02-10 04:13:58 09:08:03
240222b HALO 2024-02-22 05:24:42 12:06:17
240302a HALO 2024-03-02 06:48:49 10:48:01
240303a HALO 2024-03-03 10:00:13 15:06:56
240301a HALO 2024-03-01 03:17:26 11:25:33
240229a HALO 2024-02-29 23:50:13 2024-03-01 02:15:57
240227a HALO 2024-02-27 23:45:22 2024-02-28 04:00:57
240224a HALO 2024-02-24 21:55:25 2024-02-25 04:33:36
240223a HALO 2024-02-23 22:03:25 2024-02-24 06:15:13
240219a HALO 2024-02-19 02:52:41 11:29:35
Mission Photo

Mission Info

Data Origin

Genesis of the data (see glossary).


  1. Platform HALO


No model specified.

Available datasets

Available datasets include their categories (see glossary), data sources(see glossary) and their authors. If the revision date is not available the date of the file upload is used (those dates are then marked with a '*').
Dataset Category Data source Institute Revision
#9890 | CAFE-Pacific_10_2024-01-27_BAHAMAS_V01.nas HALO BAHAMAS DLR 2024-05-06
#9891 | HALO BAHAMAS DLR 2024-05-06
#9893 | HALO BAHAMAS DLR 2024-05-06
#9892 | CAFE-Pacific_10_2024-01-28_BAHAMAS_V01.nas HALO BAHAMAS DLR 2024-05-06
#9894 | CAFE-Pacific_11_2024-01-31_BAHAMAS_V01.nas HALO BAHAMAS DLR 2024-05-06
#9895 | HALO BAHAMAS DLR 2024-05-06
#9896 | CAFE-Pacific_12_2024-02-02_BAHAMAS_V01.nas HALO BAHAMAS DLR 2024-05-06
#9897 | HALO BAHAMAS DLR 2024-05-06
#9898 | CAFE-Pacific_13_2024-02-04_BAHAMAS_V01.nas HALO BAHAMAS DLR 2024-05-06
#9899 | HALO BAHAMAS DLR 2024-05-06
#9902 | CAFE-Pacific_15a_2024-02-09_BAHAMAS_V01.nas HALO BAHAMAS DLR 2024-05-06
#9903 | HALO BAHAMAS DLR 2024-05-06
#9904 | CAFE-Pacific_15b_2024-02-10_BAHAMAS_V01_AVIONICS.nas HALO BAHAMAS DLR 2024-02-11
#9909 | CAFE-Pacific_14_2024-02-07_BAHAMAS_V01.nas HALO BAHAMAS DLR 2024-06-12
#9910 | HALO BAHAMAS DLR 2024-06-12
#9913 | CAFE-Pacific_11_2024-01-31_BAHAMAS_CABIN_V01.nas HALO BAHAMAS DLR 2024-02-02
#9915 | CAFE-Pacific_13_2024-02-04_BAHAMAS_CABIN_V01.nas HALO BAHAMAS DLR 2024-02-07
#9917 | CAFE-Pacific_15a_2024-02-09_BAHAMAS_CABIN_V01.nas HALO BAHAMAS DLR 2024-02-11
#9911 | CAFE-Pacific_10_2024-01-27_BAHAMAS_CABIN_V01.nas HALO BAHAMAS DLR 2024-01-30
#9912 | CAFE-Pacific_10_2024-01-28_BAHAMAS_CABIN_V01.nas HALO BAHAMAS DLR 2024-01-31
#9916 | CAFE-Pacific_14_2024-02-07_BAHAMAS_CABIN_V01.nas HALO BAHAMAS DLR 2024-02-09
#9918 | CAFE-Pacific_01_2023-12-14_BAHAMAS_CABIN_V01.nas HALO BAHAMAS DLR 2024-06-13
#9914 | CAFE-Pacific_12_2024-02-02_BAHAMAS_CABIN_V01.nas HALO BAHAMAS DLR 2024-02-04
#9919 | CAFE-Pacific_01_2023-12-14_BAHAMAS_V01.nas HALO BAHAMAS DLR 2024-04-16
#9920 | HALO BAHAMAS DLR 2024-04-16
#9921 | CAFE-Pacific_02_2023-12-19_BAHAMAS_CABIN_V01.nas HALO BAHAMAS DLR 2024-06-13
#9922 | CAFE-Pacific_02_2023-12-19_BAHAMAS_V01.nas HALO BAHAMAS DLR 2024-04-17
#9923 | HALO BAHAMAS DLR 2024-04-17
#9924 | CAFE-Pacific_04_2024-01-10_BAHAMAS_CABIN_V01.nas HALO BAHAMAS DLR 2024-05-16
#9925 | CAFE-Pacific_04_2024-01-10_BAHAMAS_V01.nas HALO BAHAMAS DLR 2024-04-15
#9926 | HALO BAHAMAS DLR 2024-04-18
#9927 | CAFE-Pacific_05_2024-01-11_BAHAMAS_CABIN_V01.nas HALO BAHAMAS DLR 2024-01-13
#9928 | CAFE-Pacific_05a_2024-01-11_BAHAMAS_V01.nas HALO BAHAMAS DLR 2024-04-12
#9929 | HALO BAHAMAS DLR 2024-04-12
#9930 | CAFE-Pacific_05b_2024-01-12_BAHAMAS_CABIN_V01.nas HALO BAHAMAS DLR 2024-01-15
#9931 | CAFE-Pacific_05b_2024-01-12_BAHAMAS_V01.nas HALO BAHAMAS DLR 2024-04-18
#9932 | HALO BAHAMAS DLR 2024-04-18
#9933 | CAFE-Pacific_06_2024-01-16_BAHAMAS_CABIN_V01.nas HALO BAHAMAS DLR 2024-01-17
#9934 | CAFE-Pacific_06_2024-01-16_BAHAMAS_V01.nas HALO BAHAMAS DLR 2024-04-19
#9935 | HALO BAHAMAS DLR 2024-04-19
#9936 | CAFE-Pacific_07_2024-01-20_BAHAMAS_CABIN_V01.nas HALO BAHAMAS DLR 2024-01-23
#9944 | CAFE-Pacific_07_2024-01-20_BAHAMAS_V01.nas HALO BAHAMAS DLR 2024-04-25
#9946 | HALO BAHAMAS DLR 2024-04-25
#9947 | CAFE-Pacific_09_2024-01-26_BAHAMAS_V01.nas HALO BAHAMAS DLR 2024-04-26
#9948 | HALO BAHAMAS DLR 2024-04-26
#9949 | CAFE-Pacific_09_2024-01-26_BAHAMAS_CABIN_V01.nas HALO BAHAMAS DLR 2024-01-27
#9950 | CAFE-Pacific_08_2024-01-23_BAHAMAS_CABIN_V01.nas HALO BAHAMAS DLR 2024-01-25
#9951 | CAFE-Pacific_08_2024-01-23_BAHAMAS_V01.nas HALO BAHAMAS DLR 2024-04-25
#9952 | HALO BAHAMAS DLR 2024-04-25
#9953 | CAFE-Pacific_26_2024-03-02_BAHAMAS_CABIN_V01.nas HALO BAHAMAS DLR 2024-03-02
#9954 | CAFE-Pacific_27_2024-03-03_BAHAMAS_CABIN_V01.nas HALO BAHAMAS DLR 2024-03-07
#9955 | CAFE-Pacific_26_2024-03-02_BAHAMAS_V01.nas HALO BAHAMAS DLR 2024-05-14
#9956 | HALO BAHAMAS DLR 2024-05-14
#9957 | CAFE-Pacific_27_2024-03-03_BAHAMAS_V01.nas HALO BAHAMAS DLR 2024-05-14
#9958 | HALO BAHAMAS DLR 2024-05-14