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Mission: TECHNO

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last modified 12 years and 10 months ago


Full mission name: TECHNO


First deployment of HALO with scientific user instrumentation. Main objectives are the certification of basic modifications of the aircraft for scientific use and the check of the aircraft infrastructure for scientific usage.

WALES-LIDAR: Remote sensing of cirrus clouds and comparison with concurrently performed in-situ measurements from board of the DLR research aircraft Falcon.

MIRAH: Vertical profiles of volatile organic compounds. Mass spectrometer: Vertical profiles of PAN and SO2. Comparison with concurrent measurements from board of the aircraft Falcon.

SR-Radianzen: Measurement of the solar radiance.

Map of the measuring area

Data Protocol

No Data Protocol available.


Flights Category Start Stop
101028a HALO 2010-10-28 10:28:53 14:54:37
101029a HALO 2010-10-29 10:45:13 15:39:00
101103a HALO 2010-11-03 09:51:08 13:17:25
101104a HALO 2010-11-04 10:21:09 13:32:20
101105a HALO 2010-11-05 11:46:33 16:51:19

Mission Info

  • Start: 2010-10-28
  • Stop: 2010-11-03
  • Region:
  • Begin free data access: 2013-11-03
  • Website:
  • Project: The mission TECHNO is associated with the project SPP 1294 HALO.

Data Origin

Genesis of the data (see glossary).


  1. Platform HALO


No model specified.

Available datasets

Available datasets include their categories (see glossary), data sources(see glossary) and their authors. If the revision date is not available the date of the file upload is used (those dates are then marked with a '*').
Dataset Category Data source Institute Revision
#364 | adlr_0029_20101028 HALO BAHAMAS DLR 2010-11-05
#365 | adlr_0030_20101029 HALO BAHAMAS DLR 2010-11-05
#366 | adlr_0031_20101103 HALO BAHAMAS DLR 2010-11-05
#367 | adlr_0032_20101104 HALO BAHAMAS DLR 2010-11-05
#368 | adlr_0033_20101105 HALO BAHAMAS DLR 2010-11-12