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Dependencies in Dataset #8447

uploaded by Hans-Christian Clemen, MPI-C
during CIRRUS-HL mission

Entries (observed variables)

Information about observed variables of the current dataset.
No. Name
01 UTC in sec after midnight (HALO data system time)
02 inlet_pos, [ALABAMA+OPC mesurement position, 3 = connected to CVI; 5 = ALA connected to HASI]
03 C_0 NH4,NO,ECOC,HSO4 [Particle type cluster 0, with the dominating ions]
05 C_2 Fe,Mg
06 C_3 Al
07 C_4 EC
08 C_5 K,NO2,HSO4
10 C_7 NO,NH4
11 C_8 EC
13 C_10 HSO4,Mg,K,OC,Fe
14 C_11 NO,NH4
15 C_12 Al,OC, Al,Higher alkanes?, TBP?
16 C_13 K,HSO4,NO,OC,NO2
17 C_14 K,Na,Al,NO2,HSO4
18 C_15 Higher alkanes?, TBP?
20 C_17 OC
21 C_18 K,HSO4
22 C_19 NO
23 C_20 Fe,Mg,HSO4
24 C_21 K
25 C_22 K,Na,NO2,Al,Ca,Fe
26 C_23 100?,Fe,HSO4
27 C_24 K
28 C_25 K,EC
29 C_26 OC?
30 C_27 K,NO2,HSO4,CN
31 C_28 K,EC,CN,HSO4
32 C_29 Na,Al,K,Mg,Ca,TMA
33 C_30 K,HSO4
34 C_31 NH4,NO,OC
35 C_32 Na,K,NO2
36 C_33 Na,Al,K,OH,TiO
37 C_34 EC
38 C_35 Si
39 C_36 Al,Cu,Ti,Fe,Na,K
40 C_37 K,Na,Al
41 C_38 TMA
42 C_39 K,Mg,HSO4,Fe,Al
43 C_40 NO,NH4,K,ECOC
44 C_41 Al,Ca,Fe,Na,Mg
45 C_42 NO,NH4,OC
46 C_43 K,HSO4
47 C_44 Mg,Na,Fe,Ca,SO4
48 C_45 TEA,TMA,OC?
49 C_46 NH4,NO,OC,
50 C_47 Na,Al,K,Ca,Fe,CN,NO2
51 C_48 NH4,NO,TMA?,OC
52 C_49 100?,OC
53 C_50 Not assigned rest

Dependencies of the observed variables

The interactive table provides a visualization of the dependencies of this dataset's entries (variables) which will hopefully assist you to understand the datasets structure.

Most datasets are simple, e.g. like 10 entries depending on 1 entry. But there are other datasets which are far more complex; with relationships between various entries and even reversed dependencies.

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Direction of relationships

Entry A   Entry B
(=depends on)


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