Dependencies in Dataset #5728
Entries (observed variables)
No. | Name |
001 | Elapsed UT seconds from 0 hours on day given in line 7 (center of time interval) |
002 | 000. BAHAMAS: ALT (Pressure Altitude) [m] |
003 | 001. BAHAMAS: LAT (Latitude position above WGS84) [degN] |
004 | 002. BAHAMAS: LON (Longitude position above WGS84) [degE] |
005 | 003. BAHAMAS: PSTAT (Static Pressure from NB_PSIA) [hPa] |
006 | 004. BAHAMAS: TSTAT (Static Air Temperature from BDY-TTQ) [K] |
007 | 005. BAHAMAS: POT (Potential Temperature) [K] |
008 | 006. BAHAMAS: TAS (Calculated True Airspeed) [m/s] |
009 | 007. FAIRO: O3 (Ozone) [ppb] |
010 | 008. FAIROCI: O3 (Ozone) [ppb] |
011 | 009. FISH: H2O (Water Vapour) [ppm] |
012 | 010. FISH: H2O_ERR (Water Vapour measurement error) [ppm] |
013 | 011. GHOST_ECD: SF6 (Sulphur Hexafluoride) [ppt] |
014 | 012. GHOST_ECD: CFC12 (CFC12) [ppt] |
015 | 013. GHOST_MS: H1301 (H1301) [ppt] |
016 | 014. GHOST_MS: H1211 (H1211) [ppt] |
017 | 015. GHOST_MS: H2402 (H2402) [ppt] |
018 | 016. GHOST_MS: H1202 (H1202) [ppt] |
019 | 017. GHOST_MS: CH3Br (Methyl bromide) [ppt] |
020 | 018. GHOST_MS: CH2Br2 (Methylene bromide) [ppt] |
021 | 019. GHOST_MS: CHBr3 (Bromoform) [ppt] |
022 | 020. GHOST_MS: CH2BrCl (Bromochloromethane) [ppt] |
023 | 021. GHOST_MS: CHBrCl2 (Bromodichloromethane) [ppt] |
024 | 022. GHOST_MS: CHBr2Cl (Dibromochloromethane) [ppt] |
025 | 023. GHOST_CL: CFC12 (CFC12) [ppt] |
026 | 024. GHOST_CL: CFC11 (CFC11) [ppt] |
027 | 025. GHOST_CL: CFC113 (CFC113) [ppt] |
028 | 026. GHOST_CL: CCl4 (Carbon tetrachloride) [ppt] |
029 | 027. GHOST_CL: CH3Cl (CH3Cl) [ppt] |
030 | 028. GHOST_CL: CH3CCl3 (Methylchloroform) [ppt] |
031 | 029. GHOST_CL: C2Cl4 (Tetrachloroethylene) [ppt] |
032 | 030. GHOST_CL: H1211 (H1211) [ppt] |
033 | 031. GHOST_AGE_CLY: AOA (Mean age of air) [years] |
034 | 032. GHOST_AGE_CLY: CLY (Total inorganic chlorine) [ppt] |
035 | 033. UMAQS: CO (Carbon monoxide) [ppb] |
036 | 034. UMAQS: N2O (Nitrous oxide) [ppb] |
037 | 035. AENEAS: NO (Nitric oxide) [ppb] |
038 | 036. AENEAS: NOY (Total reactive nitrogen) [ppb] |
039 | 037. AIMS: HCl (Hydrochloride) [ppb] |
040 | 038. AIMS: HNO3 (Nitric acid) [ppb] |
041 | 039. AIMS: ClONO2 (Chlorine nitrate) [ppb] |
042 | 040. HAGARV_LI: CO2 (Carbon dioxide) [ppm] |
043 | 041. HAGARV_LI: CO2_err (CO2 error) [ppm] |
044 | 042. HAI14: P (Pressure) [hPa] |
045 | 043. HAI14: H2O (Water Vapour) [ppm] |
046 | 044. HAI26: P (Pressure) [hPa] |
047 | 045. HAI26: H2O (Water Vapour) [ppm] |
048 | 046. CLAMS_MET: EQLAT (Equivalent latitude) [degN] |
049 | 047. CLAMS_MET: BVF (Brunt-Vaisala frequency) [10-4 s-2] |
050 | 048. CLAMS_MET: PV (Potential vorticity) [pvu] |
051 | 049. CLAMS_MET: P (Pressure) [hPa] |
052 | 050. CLAMS_MET: P_WMO (Pressure at the WMO tropopause) [hPa] |
053 | 051. CLAMS_MET: TH (Potential temperature) [K] |
054 | 052. CLAMS_MET: TH_WMO (Potential temperature at the WMO tropopause) [K] |
055 | 053. CLAMS_MET: D_2_0PVU_BOT (Potential temperature distance from 2 PVU/380 K surface) [K] |
056 | 054. CLAMS_SFCTRACER: Tropical_Troposphere (fraction of airmass originating from Tropical_Troposphere) [Fraction] |
057 | 055. CLAMS_SFCTRACER: Lower_TTL (fraction of airmass originating from Lower_TTL) [Fraction] |
058 | 056. CLAMS_SFCTRACER: Upper_TTL (fraction of airmass originating from Upper_TTL) [Fraction] |
059 | 057. CLAMS_SFCTRACER: Tropical_Pipe (fraction of airmass originating from Tropical_Pipe) [Fraction] |
060 | 058. CLAMS_SFCTRACER: Mid_Lat_Troposphere (fraction of airmass originating from Mid_Lat_Troposphere) [Fraction] |
061 | 059. CLAMS_SFCTRACER: Mid_Lat_Lowermost_Stratosphere (fraction of airmass originating from Mid_Lat_Lowermost_Stratosphere) [Fraction] |
062 | 060. CLAMS_SFCTRACER: Polar_Troposphere (fraction of airmass originating from Polar_Troposphere) [Fraction] |
063 | 061. CLAMS_SFCTRACER: Polar_Lowermost_Stratosphere (fraction of airmass originating from Polar_Lowermost_Stratosphere) [Fraction] |
064 | 062. CLAMS_SFCTRACER: Stratosphere (fraction of airmass originating from Stratosphere) [Fraction] |
065 | 063. CLAMS_SFCTRACER: South_Africa (fraction of airmass originating from South_Africa) [Fraction] |
066 | 064. CLAMS_SFCTRACER: Madagskar (fraction of airmass originating from Madagskar) [Fraction] |
067 | 065. CLAMS_SFCTRACER: North_India (fraction of airmass originating from North_India) [Fraction] |
068 | 066. CLAMS_SFCTRACER: South_India (fraction of airmass originating from South_India) [Fraction] |
069 | 067. CLAMS_SFCTRACER: SE_Asia (fraction of airmass originating from SE_Asia) [Fraction] |
070 | 068. CLAMS_SFCTRACER: East_China (fraction of airmass originating from East_China) [Fraction] |
071 | 069. CLAMS_SFCTRACER: Australia (fraction of airmass originating from Australia) [Fraction] |
072 | 070. CLAMS_SFCTRACER: North_America (fraction of airmass originating from North_America) [Fraction] |
073 | 071. CLAMS_SFCTRACER: Europe (fraction of airmass originating from Europe) [Fraction] |
074 | 072. CLAMS_SFCTRACER: Siberia (fraction of airmass originating from Siberia) [Fraction] |
075 | 073. CLAMS_SFCTRACER: Tropical_Pacific_Ocean_1 (fraction of airmass originating from Tropical_Pacific_Ocean_1) [Fraction] |
076 | 074. CLAMS_SFCTRACER: Tropical_Pacific_Ocean_2 (fraction of airmass originating from Tropical_Pacific_Ocean_2) [Fraction] |
077 | 075. CLAMS_SFCTRACER: Tropical_Pacific_Ocean_3 (fraction of airmass originating from Tropical_Pacific_Ocean_3) [Fraction] |
078 | 076. CLAMS_SFCTRACER: Tropical_Atlantic_Ocean_1 (fraction of airmass originating from Tropical_Atlantic_Ocean_1) [Fraction] |
079 | 077. CLAMS_SFCTRACER: Tropical_Atlantic_Ocean_2 (fraction of airmass originating from Tropical_Atlantic_Ocean_2) [Fraction] |
080 | 078. CLAMS_SFCTRACER: Tropical_Atlantic_Ocean_3 (fraction of airmass originating from Tropical_Atlantic_Ocean_3) [Fraction] |
081 | 079. CLAMS_SFCTRACER: Tropical_Indian_Ocean_1 (fraction of airmass originating from Tropical_Indian_Ocean_1) [Fraction] |
082 | 080. CLAMS_SFCTRACER: Tropical_Indian_Ocean_2 (fraction of airmass originating from Tropical_Indian_Ocean_2) [Fraction] |
083 | 081. CLAMS_SFCTRACER: Tropical_Indian_Ocean_3 (fraction of airmass originating from Tropical_Indian_Ocean_3) [Fraction] |
084 | 082. CLAMS_SFCTRACER: All_Surface (fraction of airmass originating from All_Surface) [Fraction] |
085 | 083. CLAMS_agetracer: MF_01 (Mass Fraction younger than 1 month) [%] |
086 | 084. CLAMS_agetracer: MF_03 (Mass Fraction younger than 3 month) [%] |
087 | 085. CLAMS_agetracer: MF_06 (Mass Fraction younger than 6 month) [%] |
088 | 086. CLAMS_agetracer: MF_12 (Mass Fraction older than 12 month) [%] |
089 | 087. CLAMS_agetracer: MF_24 (Mass Fraction older than 24 month) [%] |
090 | 088. CLAMS_agetracer: MF_48 (Mass Fraction older than 48 month) [%] |
091 | 089. CLAMS_agetracer: age (Mean age from age spectrum) [years] |
092 | 090. CLAMS_agetracer: E30 (30 day lifetime tracer) [VMR] |
093 | 091. CLAMS_agetracer: E90 (90 day lifetime tracer) [VMR] |
094 | 092. CLAMS_agetracer: E180 (180 day lifetime tracer) [VMR] |
095 | 093. CLAMS_agetracer: E360 (360 day lifetime tracer) [VMR] |
096 | 094. CLAMS_agetracer: E720 (720 day lifetime tracer) [VMR] |
097 | 095. CLAMS_agetracer: E1080 (1080 day lifetime tracer) [VMR] |
098 | 096. CLAMS_agetracer: width (Width of age spectrum) [years] |
099 | 097. CLAMS_agetracer: age_corr (Mean age from age spectrum with tail correction) [years] |
100 | 098. CLAMS_agetracer: width_corr (Width of age spectrum with tail correction) [years] |
101 | 099. HAGARV_ECD: CFC12 (CFC12) [ppt] |
102 | 100. HAGARV_ECD: CFC11 (CFC11) [ppt] |
103 | 101. HAGARV_ECD: CFC113 (CFC113) [ppt] |
104 | 102. HAGARV_ECD: CH4 (Methane) [ppb] |
105 | 103. HAGARV_ECD: SF6 (Sulphur Hexafluoride) [ppt] |
106 | 104. HAGARV_ECD: CCl4 (Carbon tetrachloride) [ppt] |
107 | 105. HAGARV_MS: CH2Cl2 (Dichloromethane) [ppt] |
108 | 106. HAGARV_MS: CH3Cl (CH3Cl) [ppt] |
109 | 107. HAGARV_MS: HFC134a (HFC134a) [ppt] |
110 | 108. HAGARV_MS: CHCl3 (Chloroforme) [ppt] |
111 | 109. HAGARV_MS: HFC125 (HFC125) [ppt] |
112 | 110. HAGARV_MS: CFC11 (CFC11) [ppt] |
113 | 111. HAGARV_MS: CFC113 (CFC113) [ppt] |
Dependencies of the observed variables
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Direction of relationships
Entry A | Entry B | |
(=depends on) |
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