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Dependencies in Dataset #5711

uploaded by Florian Ewald, DLR
during NAWDEX-HALO mission

Entries (observed variables)

Information about observed variables of the current dataset.
No. Name
01 Number of FFT Points (count)
02 Pulse Repetition Frequency (Hz)
03 Speed of Light * Pulse Repetition Frequency / (4 * Frequency) (m s-1)
04 Number of Spectral Avreages (count)
05 Number of Range Gates (count)
06 Number of Lowest Range Gates (count)
07 Range Resolution (m)
08 Wave Length (m)
09 Micro Seconds (us)
10 Average Transmit Power (W)
11 Noise Power Co-Channel (Sum over the Spectrum in DSP units)
12 Noise Power Cross-Channel (Sum over the Spectrum in DSP units)
13 SNR of Calibration Signal Co-Channel (Ratio)
14 SNR of Calibration Signal Cross-Channel (Ratio)
15 General Radar State (Enumerate)
16 Azimut Angle, if > 370 azi-720 represents the middle of the averaging interval, if azi < 370 then azi represents the position of the end of the next data block. (deg)
17 Elevation Angle, if > 370 elv-720 represents the middle of the averaging interval, if elv < 370 then elv represents the position of the end of the next data block. (deg)
18 North Angle (deg)
19 Azimut Angle Velocity (deg/s)
20 Elevation Angle Velocity (deg/s)
21 Transmit Frequency (MHz)
22 Detuning of the Local Oscillator Detected from Txn Footprint (kHz)
23 Reflectivity SNRg
24 Doppler Velocity VELg (m/s)
25 Peak Width RMSg (m/s)
26 Linear De-Polarization Ratio LDRg
27 Number of Peaksg
28 Reflectivity SNRnormal
29 Doppler Velocity VELnormal (m/s)
30 Peak Width RMSnormal (m/s)
31 Linear De-Polarization Ratio LDRnormal
32 Number of Peaksnormal
33 Reflectivity SNR Cx-Channel
34 Cross Channel Correlation
35 Differential Phase (deg)
36 Cross Channel Correlation Peak weighted
37 Co-Channel HSdiv Noise Level (DSP)
38 Cross-Channel HSdiv Noise Level (DSP)
39 Equivalent Radar Reflectivity Factor Ze of Hydrometeors (Z)
40 Equivalent Radar Reflectivity Factor Ze of all Targets (Z)
41 Radar Constant related to 5 km Height, and 200 ns pulses. Z = SNR * RadarConst * (range/5 km)^2 * SNRCorFaCo. It changes slightly in time due to the measured transmit power (Z)
42 Factor to correct Co-channel SNR based on Receiver calibration measurement by Noisecom source
43 Factor to correct Cx-channel SNR based on Receiver calibration measurement by Noisecom source. LDR = SNRcx/SNRco * SnrCorFaCx/SnrCorFaCo (-)
44 Correction Factor applied to original RadarConst (Z)
A virtual entry: seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00+0:00 given by 25078 constant values
B virtual entry: Range from Antenna to the Centre of each Range Gate given by 487 constant values

Dependencies of the observed variables

The interactive table provides a visualization of the dependencies of this dataset's entries (variables) which will hopefully assist you to understand the datasets structure.

Most datasets are simple, e.g. like 10 entries depending on 1 entry. But there are other datasets which are far more complex; with relationships between various entries and even reversed dependencies.

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Direction of relationships

Entry A   Entry B
(=depends on)


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