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Dependencies in Dataset #3311

uploaded by Mareike Kenntner, DLR
during ML-CIRRUS mission

Entries (observed variables)

Information about observed variables of the current dataset.
No. Name
01 Elapsed UT seconds from 0 hours on day given by DATE
02 Number of measurements per record
03 Pressure altitude of aircraft (km)
04 Aircraft pitch (deg)
05 Aircraft roll (deg)
06 Horizon brightness temperature (ie, OAT, similar to SAT); avg ch1 & ch2 & ch3(K)
07 Tropopause #1 (km). (by WMO definition)
08 Tropopause #2 (km).
09 Potential temperature of tropopause #1 (K).
10 Potential temperature of tropopause #2 (K).
11 Latitude (deg)
12 Longitude (deg)
13 dT/dz (K/km) for 1.0 km layer centered on aircraft flight altitude.
14 MRI ... a retrieval quality metric ranges 0-2, <1 is excellent
15 Cold point temperature Tcp (K)
16 Cold point altitude Zcp (km)
17 Remote sensing altitude (meters)
18 Retrieved air temperature (K)
19 Standard error of retrieved air temperature (K)
20 Geometric altitude (meters).
21 Molecular air density (number per cubic meter)

Dependencies of the observed variables

The interactive table provides a visualization of the dependencies of this dataset's entries (variables) which will hopefully assist you to understand the datasets structure.

Most datasets are simple, e.g. like 10 entries depending on 1 entry. But there are other datasets which are far more complex; with relationships between various entries and even reversed dependencies.

Warning: It works only with JavaScript enabled in your browser.

Direction of relationships

Entry A   Entry B
(=depends on)


Enable Javascript and you'll see the dependencies of this dataset explained in this box while hovering over the table on the left.