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Dependencies in Dataset #2920

uploaded by Jacob Fugal, U Mainz
during RACEPAC mission

Entries (observed variables)

Information about observed variables of the current dataset.
No. Name
01 Time (number of seconds since 01 Jan 2014 0:00 UTC)
02 AIMMS Pressure (Pa)
03 ADC PAlt 1013mB (Pa)
04 DPM7885 Pressure (mbar)
05 Setra Dynamic Pressure (mbar)
06 Setra 278 Static Pressure Fast (mbar)
07 AIMMS Temp (C)
08 HMT333 Temp (C)
09 KT19 Ground Temp (C)
10 RM102 Total Air Temp Deiced (C)
11 RM102 Static Air Temp Deiced (C)
12 AIMMS RH (%)
13 CR2 Mirror Temp (C)
14 CR2 Mixing Ratio (ppmv)
15 CR2 Pressure (mbar)
16 CR2 Relative Humidity to ice (%)
17 CR2 Relative Humidity to water (%)
18 HMT333 Humidity Uncorrected (%)
19 HMT333 RH over Ice (%)
20 HMT333 RH over Water (%)
21 AIMMS North Wind Comp (m/s)
22 AIMMS East Wind Comp (m/s)
23 AIMMS Vert Wind Comp (m/s)
24 AIMMS Wind Speed (m/s)
25 INS Wind Dir (deg)
26 INS Wind Speed (knots)
27 AIMMS Latitude (deg)
28 AIMMS Longitude (deg)
29 AIMMS Altitude (m)
30 ADC Baro Corrected PAlt ()
31 GPS1 Altitude ()
32 GPS1 Latitude (
33 GPS1 Longitude (
34 GPS1 Track Over GR ()
35 GPS1 Undul ()
36 INS Latitude (deg)
37 INS Longitude (deg)
38 AIMMS North Vel (m/s)
39 AIMMS East Vel (m/s)
40 AIMMS Down Vel (m/s)
41 AIMMS True Airspeed (m/s)
42 AIMMS Ground Speed (m/s)
43 ADC Ind Airspeed (knots)
44 ADC Ind Vertical Speed ()
45 ADC True Airspeed (knots)
46 ADC Mach ()
47 GPS1 Horiz Speed (m/s)
48 GPS1 Vert Speed (m/s)
49 INS East-West Vel (knots)
50 INS Ground Speed (knots)
51 INS Inertial Vert Speed (knots)
52 INS North-South Vel (knots)
53 AIMMS Bank Angle (deg)
54 AIMMS Pitch Angle (deg)
55 AIMMS Heading Angle (deg)
56 AIMMS SideSlip Angle (deg)
57 INS Magnetic Heading (deg)
58 INS Pitch Angle (deg)
59 INS Roll Angle (deg)
60 INS True Heading (deg)
61 INS True Track Angle (deg)
62 Pyrano Top Temp (C)
63 Pyrano Top Radiation (W/m^2)
64 Pyrano Bot Temp (C)
65 Pyrano Bot Radiation (W/m^2)
66 Pyrgeo Top Temp (C)
67 Pyrgeo Top Radiation (W/m^2)
68 Pyrgeo Bot Temp (C)
69 Pyrgeo Bot Radiation (W/m^2)

Dependencies of the observed variables

The interactive table provides a visualization of the dependencies of this dataset's entries (variables) which will hopefully assist you to understand the datasets structure.

Most datasets are simple, e.g. like 10 entries depending on 1 entry. But there are other datasets which are far more complex; with relationships between various entries and even reversed dependencies.

Warning: It works only with JavaScript enabled in your browser.

Direction of relationships

Entry A   Entry B
(=depends on)


Enable Javascript and you'll see the dependencies of this dataset explained in this box while hovering over the table on the left.