Dependencies in Dataset #10183
Entries (modelled variables)
No. | Name |
A | virtual entry: index of thermal (local lapse rate) tropopause given by 2 constant values |
B | virtual entry: index of dynamical (pvu surface) tropopause given by 3 constant values |
01 | time [unspecified unit] |
02 | seconds_since_midnight (s) |
03 | flight_date (yyyymmdd) |
04 | latitude [degree_north] |
05 | longitude [degree_east] |
06 | barometric_altitude (m) |
07 | air_pressure [unspecified unit] |
08 | air_potential_temperature [unspecified unit] |
09 | air_temperature [unspecified unit] |
10 | air_pressure [unspecified unit] |
11 | surface_air_pressure [unspecified unit] |
12 | air_potential_temperature [unspecified unit] |
13 | geopotential [unspecified unit] |
14 | specific_humidity [unspecified unit] |
15 | square_of_brunt_vaisala_frequency_in_air [unspecified unit] |
16 | mass_fraction_of_cloud_ice_in_air [unspecified unit] |
17 | mass_fraction_of_cloud_liquid_water_in_air [unspecified unit] |
18 | lagrangian_tendency_of_air_pressure [unspecified unit] |
19 | eastward_wind [unspecified unit] |
20 | northward_wind [unspecified unit] |
21 | divergence_of_wind [unspecified unit] |
22 | atmosphere_upward_relative_vorticity (s**-1) |
23 | vertical_wind_shear (s**-2) |
24 | upward_air_velocity [unspecified unit] |
25 | atmosphere_boundary_layer_thickness [unspecified unit] |
26 | atmosphere_convective_available_potential_energy (J kg**-1) |
27 | mass_fraction_of_ozone_in_air [unspecified unit] |
28 | tropopause_air_potential_temperature (K) |
29 | tropopause_air_pressure [unspecified unit] |
30 | tropopause_altitude [unspecified unit] |
31 | ertel_potential_vorticity [unspecified unit] |
32 | equivalent_latitude (deg N) |
33 | pressure_at_1_5pvu_380K (hPa) |
34 | pressure_at_2pvu_380K (hPa) |
35 | pressure_at_3_5pvu_380K (hPa) |
36 | pressure_at_4pvu_380K (hPa) |
37 | pressure_at_6pvu_380K (hPa) |
38 | pressure_at_8pvu_380K (hPa) |
39 | pressure_at_10pvu_380K (hPa) |
40 | potential_temperature_at_1_5pvu_380K (K) |
41 | potential_temperature_at_2pvu_380K (K) |
42 | potential_temperature_at_3_5pvu_380K (K) |
43 | potential_temperature_at_4pvu_380K (K) |
44 | potential_temperature_at_6pvu_380K (K) |
45 | potential_temperature_at_8pvu_380K (K) |
46 | potential_temperature_at_10pvu_380K (K) |
47 | geopotential_at_1_5pvu_380K (m**2/s**2) |
48 | geopotential_at_2pvu_380K (m**2/s**2) |
49 | geopotential_at_3_5pvu_380K (m**2/s**2) |
50 | geopotential_at_4pvu_380K (m**2/s**2) |
51 | geopotential_at_6pvu_380K (m**2/s**2) |
52 | geopotential_at_8pvu_380K (m**2/s**2) |
53 | geopotential_at_10pvu_380K (m**2/s**2) |
Dependencies of the modelled variables
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Direction of relationships
Entry A | Entry B | |
(=depends on) |
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