Primary data
Release | Upload Date | Filesize | File |
1 | 2023-12-05 | 7.3 MiB | No Download |
Further Information
- Begin of free primary data access: in 74 years and 9 months*
- Number of downloads: 2
*Until then access for mission members only. Please contact a PI or Admin of STRATOCLIM to join.
Entries (observed variables)
No. | Name |
A | virtual entry: time [unspecified unit] given by 10924 constant values |
001 | Monsoon centered equivalent latitutde (deg N) |
002 | OCS (ppt) |
003 | OCS INT_ERR (ppt) |
004 | CO (ppb) |
005 | CO INT_ERR (ppb) |
006 | H2O (ppm) |
007 | H2O INT_ERR (ppm) |
008 | Xi - sample volume correction factor Xi (UNKNOWN) |
009 | TotalCounts - total sum of particle events (UNKNOWN) |
010 | TotalConc - total number concentration [cm^-3] (cm^-3) |
011 | DpMeanN - total averaged particle diameter [um] (um) |
012 | TotalConc - Number concentration [cm^-3] (cm^-3) |
013 | DpMeanN - Averaged particle diameter [um] (um) |
014 | Xi - Sample volume correction factor (UNKNOWN) |
015 | TotalConc - Number concentration [cm^-3] (cm^-3) |
016 | DpMeanN - Averaged particle diameter [um] (um) |
017 | Xi - Sample volume correction factor (UNKNOWN) |
018 | Latitude (DEGREE) |
019 | Longitude (DEGREE) |
020 | Hybrid potential temperature (K) |
021 | E30 tracer with 30 day lifetime (m^3/m^3) |
022 | E90 tracer with 90 day lifetime (m^3/m^3) |
023 | E180 tracer with 180 day lifetime (m^3/m^3) |
024 | E360 tracer with 360 day lifetime (m^3/m^3) |
025 | E720 tracer with 720 day lifetime (m^3/m^3) |
026 | E1080 tracer with 1080 day lifetime (m^3/m^3) |
027 | Mean age from age-spectrum (10 yr) (year) |
028 | Modal age from age-spectrum (10 yr) (year) |
029 | Age spectrum width (10 yr) (year) |
030 | Deacay timescale of age spectrum tail (10 yr) (year) |
031 | Tail-corrected mean age from age-spectrum (10 yr) (year) |
032 | Tail-corrected age spectrum width (10 yr) (year) |
033 | Norm from age-spectrum (10 yr) (XX) |
034 | Tail-corrected norm from age-spectrum (10 yr) (XX) |
035 | Mass fraction younger than 1 month from age-spectrum (10 yr) (%) |
036 | Mass fraction younger than 3 months from age-spectrum (10 yr) (%) |
037 | Mass fraction younger than 6 months from age-spectrum (10 yr) (%) |
038 | Mass fraction older than 12 months from age-spectrum (10 yr) (%) |
039 | Mass fraction older than 24 months from age-spectrum (10 yr) (%) |
040 | Mass fraction older than 48 months from age-spectrum (10 yr) (%) |
041 | Pstat (hPa) |
042 | pot. temperature (K) |
043 | Pstat (hPa) |
044 | Lat [degree] |
045 | Long [degree] |
046 | Alt (m) |
047 | pot. temperature (K) |
048 | Tout (K) |
049 | Brunt-Vaisala frequency (s**-2) |
050 | Geopotential Height (m**2 s**-2) |
051 | Pressure of tropopause (hPa) |
052 | Hybrid Theta at tropopause (K) |
053 | Theta at tropopause (K) |
054 | Temperature of tropopause (K) |
055 | Hybrid Potential Temperature (K) |
056 | PV (10^(-6)*K*m^2/(kg*s)) |
057 | Equivalent Latitudes (deg N) |
058 | Latitude transformed to 27.07.2017 12:00:00 (ECMWF ERA5) [degree] |
059 | Longitude transformed to 27.07.2017 12:00:00 (ECMWF ERA5) [degree] |
060 | Potential temperature transformed to 27.07.2017 12:00:00 (ECMWF ERA5) (K) |
061 | Hybrid Potential temperature transformed to 27.07.2017 12:00:00 (ECMWF ERA5) (K) |
062 | Equivalent Latitudes - Asian monsoon cen (deg N) |
063 | Potential temperature distance from 2 PVU/380 K surface (K) |
064 | Lat [degree] |
065 | Long [degree] |
066 | Latitude transformed to 27.07.2017 12:00:00 (ECMWF ERA Interim) [degree] |
067 | Longitude transformed to 27.07.2017 12:00:00 (ECMWF ERA Interim) [degree] |
068 | Potential temperature transformed to 27.07.2017 12:00:00 (ECMWF ERA Interim) (K) |
069 | Hybrid Potential temperature transformed to 27.07.2017 12:00:00 (ECMWF ERA Interim) (K) |
070 | Pressure (hPa) |
071 | pot. temperature (K) |
072 | Hybrid Potential Temperature (K) |
073 | Tropical Troposphere (Air mass origin) |
074 | Lower TTL (Air mass origin) |
075 | Upper TTL (Air mass origin) |
076 | Tropical Pipe (Air mass origin) |
077 | Mid-Lat Troposphere (Air mass origin) |
078 | Mid-Lat Lowermost Stratosphere (Air mass origin) |
079 | Polar Troposphere (Air mass origin) |
080 | Polar Lowermost Stratosphere (Air mass origin) |
081 | Stratosphere (Air mass origin) |
082 | North Africa (Emisssion Tracers) |
083 | South Africa (Emisssion Tracers) |
084 | Madagskar (Emisssion Tracers) |
085 | North India (Emisssion Tracers) |
086 | South India (Emisssion Tracers) |
087 | SE Asia (Emisssion Tracers) |
088 | East China (Emisssion Tracers) |
089 | Australia (Emisssion Tracers) |
090 | South America (Emisssion Tracers) |
091 | North America (Emisssion Tracers) |
092 | Mediterranean (Emisssion Tracers) |
093 | Europe (Emisssion Tracers) |
094 | Siberia (Emisssion Tracers) |
095 | All Surface (Emisssion Tracers) |
096 | Tropical Pacific Ocean 1 (Emisssion Tracers) |
097 | Tropical Pacific Ocean 2 (Emisssion Tracers) |
098 | Tropical Pacific Ocean 3 (Emisssion Tracers) |
099 | Tropical Atlantic Ocean 1 (Emisssion Tracers) |
100 | Tropical Atlantic Ocean 2 (Emisssion Tracers) |
101 | Tropical Atlantic Ocean 3 (Emisssion Tracers) |
102 | Tropical Indian Ocean 1 (Emisssion Tracers) |
103 | Tropical Indian Ocean 2 (Emisssion Tracers) |
104 | Tropical Indian Ocean 3 (Emisssion Tracers) |
105 | North-West Pacific (Emisssion Tracers) |
106 | NO;NO volume mixing ratio (nmol/mol) |
107 | NOy; NOy volume mixing ratio (nmol/mol) |
108 | Tout (K) |
109 | Pstat (hPa) |
110 | Vtrue (km/h) |
111 | Halt (meter) |
112 | Dr_ang [degree] |
113 | Head [degree] |
114 | Pitch [degree] |
115 | Attack [degree] |
116 | Sl_ang [degree] |
117 | Uwind (m/s) |
118 | W_dir [degree] |
119 | Roll [degree] |
120 | Lat [degree] |
121 | Long [degree] |
122 | Gr_sp (km/h) |
123 | Tr_ang [degree] |
124 | Alt (m) |
125 | pot. temperature (K) |
126 | TotalConc - Number concentration [cm^-3] (cm^-3) |
127 | DpMeanN - Averaged particle diameter [um] (um) |
128 | Xi - Sample volume correction factor (UNKNOWN) |
129 | Pst* (hPa) |
130 | H* (m) |
131 | Vtrue* (km/h) |
132 | Tcalc (K) |
133 | Uwind* (m/s) |
134 | W_dir* (deg) |
135 | Q* (K) |
136 | temperture (K) |
137 | pressure (hPa) |
138 | Probe air speed (m/s) |
139 | True air speed from aircraft (m/s) |
140 | Cloud water content (ppmv) (ppmv) |
141 | TOTAL PARTICLE CONCS: DIAMS 3 to 937um (cm^-3) |
142 | TOTAL PARTICLE CONCS: DIAMS 0.6 to 3um (cm^-3) |
143 | Mass Mean Radius (micrometer) |
144 | Cloud Index: inside cloud = 1, outside cloud = 0 (only good quality data are used) |
145 | CO mixing ratio (ppb) |
146 | N2O mixing ratio (ppb) |
147 | organics | particulate mass concentration | ug/m^3 NTP | | | | | (UNKNOWN) |
148 | organics_cc | particulate mass concentration | ug/m^3 NTP | corrected to stratospheric background of CO2 | | | | (UNKNOWN) |
149 | nitrate | particulate mass concentration | ug/m^3 NTP | | | | | (UNKNOWN) |
150 | sulphate | particulate mass concentration | ug/m^3 NTP | | | | | (UNKNOWN) |
151 | ammonium | particulate mass concentration | ug/m^3 NTP | | | | | (UNKNOWN) |
152 | GPS_Alt | | m | | | | | (UNKNOWN) |
153 | Theta | potential temperature | K | | | | | (UNKNOWN) |
154 | cloudmask | | binary | | | | | (UNKNOWN) |
155 | FLASH:H2O (ppmv) |
159 | Halon 1211 MIXING RATIO (PPT) |
161 | CO2 mixing ratio (PPM) |
162 | CO2 estimated precision (PPM) |
163 | Particle number concentration, dp > 10 nm, n10 non volatile, in (cm^-3) |
164 | Particle number concentration, dp > 10 nm, n10, in (cm^-3) |
165 | Particle number concentration, dp > 15 nm, n15, in (cm^-3) |
166 | Particle number concentration, dp > 6 nm, n6, in (cm^-3) |
167 | N - Total particle Concentration (cm^-3) |
168 | TDC:TEMP (K) |
170 | H2O_sat_ice: TDC:TEMP, AVIONIK:PRESS (ppmv) |
To browse for the dependencies of the observed variables, please use this link.
Dataset Info
Name of dataset
#9731 |
Date last revised
Time period of the primary data
* inherited from the metadata of the mission STRATOCLIM
Data Origin
Genesis of the data (see glossary):
HALO › Data Source not specified
Ongoing Subset (see glossary):
No license specified.