Primary data
Release | Upload Date | Filesize | File |
1 | 2022-11-17 | 7.6 MiB | No Download |
Further Information
- Begin of free primary data access: in 1 year and 3 months*
- Number of downloads: 224
*Until then access for mission members only. Please contact a PI or Admin of CIRRUS-HL to join.
Entries (observed variables)
No. | Name |
01 | UTSECONDS: seconds after 00Z of the day of first measurement, counting continuously thereafter |
02 | Mission MissionID |
03 | FlightNo FlightNo |
04 | UTC UTC Timestamp |
05 | cpc0_conc_cm3_stp stp total particle number concentration CPC0 (Dp>~7nm) (p_stp = 1013.25hPa, T_stp=273.15K) [1/cm3] |
06 | cpc0_conc_cm3_amb ambient total particle number concentration CPC3 (Dp> ~7nm) [1/cm3] |
07 | cpc2_conc_cm3_stp stp non-vol particle number concentration CPC2 (Dp>~14nm) (p_stp = 1013.25hPa, T_stp=273.15K) [1/cm3] |
08 | cpc2_conc_cm3_amb ambient non-vol particle number concentration CPC3 (Dp> ~14nm) [1/cm3] |
09 | cpc3_conc_cm3_stp stp total particle number concentration CPC3 (Dp> ~18nm) (p_stp = 1013.25hPa, T_stp=273.15K) [1/cm3] |
10 | cpc3_conc_cm3_amb ambient total particle number concentration CPC3 (Dp> ~18nm) [1/cm3] |
11 | cpc0_t_sat CPC0 saturator temperature [deg C] |
12 | cpc0_t_cond CPC0 condensor temperature [deg C] |
13 | cpc0_err CPC0 error flag |
14 | cpc0_t_ch CPC0 measurement chamber temperature [deg C] |
15 | cpc0_p CPC0 measurement chamber pressure [hPa] |
16 | cpc2_t_sat CPC2 saturator temperature [deg C] |
17 | cpc2_t_cond CPC2 condensor temperature [deg C] |
18 | cpc2_err CPC2 error flag |
19 | cpc2_t_ch CPC2 measurement chamber temperature [deg C] |
20 | cpc2_p CPC2 measurement chamber pressure [hPa] |
21 | cpc3_t_sat CPC3 saturator temperature [deg C] |
22 | cpc3_t_cond CPC3 condensor temperature [deg C] |
23 | cpc3_err CPC3 error flag |
24 | cpc3_t_ch CPC3 measurement chamber temperature [deg C] |
25 | cpc3_p CPC3 measurement chamber pressure [hPa] |
26 | Pinlet AMETYST inlet pressure [hPa] |
27 | Tinlet AMETYST inlet temperature [deg C] |
28 | RHinlet AMETYST inlet rel. humidity [%] |
29 | TD1 Thermodenuder temperature [deg C] |
30 | irs_alt WGS84 Datum/Elliptical Height (BAHAMAS) [m] |
31 | irs_hdg true heading (BAHAMAS) [deg+] |
32 | irs_lat WGS84 Datum/Latitude (BAHAMAS) [deg] |
33 | irs_lon WGS84 Datum/Longitude (BAHAMAS) [deg] |
34 | abshum Absolute Humidity (BAHAMAS) [g/m^3] |
35 | hp Pressure Altitude (BAHAMAS) [m] |
36 | ps Static Pressure (from NB_PSIA, BAHAMAS) [hPa] |
37 | tas Calculated True Airspeed (BAHAMAS) [m/s] |
38 | td Dewpoint Temperature (BAHAMAS) [K] |
39 | theta Potential Temperature (BAHAMAS) [K] |
40 | ts Static Air Temperature (from BDY-TTQ, anti-ice was not activated) (BAHAMAS) [K] |
41 | relhum Relative humidity with respect to water (BAHAMAS) [%] |
42 | DLR_Cloudflag DLR-IPA Cloudflag based on WARAN CWC data [0: clear sky, 1: in cloud] |
43 | FZJ_Cloudflag FZJ Cloudflag based on FISH and NIXE data [0: clear sky, 1: in-cloud acc. to IWC from H2O_tot (mostly FISH), 2: in-cloud acc. to IWC from PSD (mostly NIXE)] |
To browse for the dependencies of the observed variables, please use this link.
Dataset Info
Name of dataset
#9116 | AMETYST_CPC_F14_210712b_R01.nas
Date last revised
Time period of the primary data
* inherited from the metadata of the mission CIRRUS-HL
No license specified.