Primary data
Release | Upload Date | Filesize | File |
1 | 2022-05-31 | 5.1 MiB | No Download |
Further Information
- Begin of free primary data access: in 74 years and 9 months*
- Number of downloads: 2
*Until then access for mission members only. Please contact a PI or Admin of CAFE-EU to join.
Entries (modelled variables)
No. | Name |
A | virtual entry: tbnds given by 2 constant values |
001 | time [unspecified unit] |
002 | time [unspecified unit] |
003 | delta_time (s) |
004 | current time step |
005 | track longitude (degrees_east) |
006 | track latitude (degrees_north) |
007 | track pressure (hPa) |
008 | track surface pressure (Pa) |
009 | air temperature (deg. C) |
010 | air pressure (hPa) |
011 | air density (kg m-3 (air)) |
012 | relative humdity (%) |
013 | specific humdity (kg kg-1 (air)) |
014 | saturation water mass (g m-3 (air)) |
015 | water vapor (g m-3 (air)) |
016 | cloud water (g m-3 (air)) |
017 | cloud ice (g m-3 (air)) |
018 | cloud cover (%) |
019 | accum. cloud cover (%) |
020 | total cloud cover (%) |
021 | fog type |
022 | cloud droplet number conc. (1 cm-3) |
023 | ice crystal number conc. (1 cm-3) |
024 | cloud rain water (g m-3 (air)) |
025 | total precipitation (accum.) (kg m-2(air) s-1) |
026 | vertical flag (0) for PSC/stratosphere region (-) |
027 | water vapour content (g m-3 (air)) |
028 | water vapour content (g m-3 (air)) |
029 | water vapour content (g m-3 (air)) |
030 | water vapour content (g m-3 (air)) |
031 | T = air temperature ([K]) |
032 | RH = relative humidity ([0-1]) |
033 | PX = aerosol water history ([0=solid, else=wet]) |
034 | ZIONIC = ionic strength (aq) ([mol/kg]) |
035 | RHO = density (bulk mass) ([g/m3]) |
036 | VOL = bulk volume ([ucm3 m-3 (air)]) |
037 | PH = aerosol pH ([log H+]) |
038 | sPM = total solid matter ([umol m-3 (air)]) |
039 | aPM = total liquid matter ([umol m-3 (air)]) |
040 | PMt = total PM (liquids & solids) ([ug m-3 (air)]) |
041 | PMs = total PM (solids treated by EQSAM) ([ug m-3 (air)]) |
042 | rhdcr_sum = crystallization RH of mixed solution ([-]) |
043 | rhdms_sum = deliquescence RH of mixed solution ([-]) |
044 | RHcr = lowest crystallization RH in mixed solution ([-]) |
045 | RHD = lowest deliquescence RH in mixed solution ([-]) |
046 | WH2O = aerosol Water (aq) ([ug m-3 (air)]) |
047 | GF = hygroscopic growth factor ([-]) |
048 | freezing depression by aerosols ([K]) |
049 | new aerosol pH ([-]) |
050 | Kappa value ([-]) |
051 | Dry Diameter ([-]) |
052 | Critical Supersaturation ([-]) |
053 | CCN at 0.2% Supersaturation ([-]) |
054 | CCN at 0.4% Supersaturation ([-]) |
055 | Kappa Insol value ([-]) |
056 | Soluble Volume ([-]) |
057 | Insoluble + Soluble Volume ([-]) |
058 | aerosol water attached to organic carbon ([kg / m^3]) |
059 | organic aerosol Kappa value ([-]) |
060 | fraction of sulphate from H2SO4 ([-]) |
061 | T = air temperature ([K]) |
062 | RH = relative humidity ([0-1]) |
063 | PX = aerosol water history ([0=solid, else=wet]) |
064 | ZIONIC = ionic strength (aq) ([mol/kg]) |
065 | RHO = density (bulk mass) ([g/m3]) |
066 | VOL = bulk volume ([ucm3 m-3 (air)]) |
067 | PH = aerosol pH ([log H+]) |
068 | sPM = total solid matter ([umol m-3 (air)]) |
069 | aPM = total liquid matter ([umol m-3 (air)]) |
070 | PMt = total PM (liquids & solids) ([ug m-3 (air)]) |
071 | PMs = total PM (solids treated by EQSAM) ([ug m-3 (air)]) |
072 | rhdcr_sum = crystallization RH of mixed solution ([-]) |
073 | rhdms_sum = deliquescence RH of mixed solution ([-]) |
074 | RHcr = lowest crystallization RH in mixed solution ([-]) |
075 | RHD = lowest deliquescence RH in mixed solution ([-]) |
076 | WH2O = aerosol Water (aq) ([ug m-3 (air)]) |
077 | GF = hygroscopic growth factor ([-]) |
078 | freezing depression by aerosols ([K]) |
079 | new aerosol pH ([-]) |
080 | Kappa value ([-]) |
081 | Dry Diameter ([-]) |
082 | Critical Supersaturation ([-]) |
083 | CCN at 0.2% Supersaturation ([-]) |
084 | CCN at 0.4% Supersaturation ([-]) |
085 | Kappa Insol value ([-]) |
086 | Soluble Volume ([-]) |
087 | Insoluble + Soluble Volume ([-]) |
088 | aerosol water attached to organic carbon ([kg / m^3]) |
089 | organic aerosol Kappa value ([-]) |
090 | fraction of sulphate from H2SO4 ([-]) |
091 | T = air temperature ([K]) |
092 | RH = relative humidity ([0-1]) |
093 | PX = aerosol water history ([0=solid, else=wet]) |
094 | ZIONIC = ionic strength (aq) ([mol/kg]) |
095 | RHO = density (bulk mass) ([g/m3]) |
096 | VOL = bulk volume ([ucm3 m-3 (air)]) |
097 | PH = aerosol pH ([log H+]) |
098 | sPM = total solid matter ([umol m-3 (air)]) |
099 | aPM = total liquid matter ([umol m-3 (air)]) |
100 | PMt = total PM (liquids & solids) ([ug m-3 (air)]) |
101 | PMs = total PM (solids treated by EQSAM) ([ug m-3 (air)]) |
102 | rhdcr_sum = crystallization RH of mixed solution ([-]) |
103 | rhdms_sum = deliquescence RH of mixed solution ([-]) |
104 | RHcr = lowest crystallization RH in mixed solution ([-]) |
105 | RHD = lowest deliquescence RH in mixed solution ([-]) |
106 | WH2O = aerosol Water (aq) ([ug m-3 (air)]) |
107 | GF = hygroscopic growth factor ([-]) |
108 | freezing depression by aerosols ([K]) |
109 | new aerosol pH ([-]) |
110 | Kappa value ([-]) |
111 | Dry Diameter ([-]) |
112 | Critical Supersaturation ([-]) |
113 | CCN at 0.2% Supersaturation ([-]) |
114 | CCN at 0.4% Supersaturation ([-]) |
115 | Kappa Insol value ([-]) |
116 | Soluble Volume ([-]) |
117 | Insoluble + Soluble Volume ([-]) |
118 | aerosol water attached to organic carbon ([kg / m^3]) |
119 | organic aerosol Kappa value ([-]) |
120 | fraction of sulphate from H2SO4 ([-]) |
121 | T = air temperature ([K]) |
122 | RH = relative humidity ([0-1]) |
123 | PX = aerosol water history ([0=solid, else=wet]) |
124 | ZIONIC = ionic strength (aq) ([mol/kg]) |
125 | RHO = density (bulk mass) ([g/m3]) |
126 | VOL = bulk volume ([ucm3 m-3 (air)]) |
127 | PH = aerosol pH ([log H+]) |
128 | sPM = total solid matter ([umol m-3 (air)]) |
129 | aPM = total liquid matter ([umol m-3 (air)]) |
130 | PMt = total PM (liquids & solids) ([ug m-3 (air)]) |
131 | PMs = total PM (solids treated by EQSAM) ([ug m-3 (air)]) |
132 | rhdcr_sum = crystallization RH of mixed solution ([-]) |
133 | rhdms_sum = deliquescence RH of mixed solution ([-]) |
134 | RHcr = lowest crystallization RH in mixed solution ([-]) |
135 | RHD = lowest deliquescence RH in mixed solution ([-]) |
136 | WH2O = aerosol Water (aq) ([ug m-3 (air)]) |
137 | GF = hygroscopic growth factor ([-]) |
138 | freezing depression by aerosols ([K]) |
139 | new aerosol pH ([-]) |
140 | Kappa value ([-]) |
141 | Dry Diameter ([-]) |
142 | Critical Supersaturation ([-]) |
143 | CCN at 0.2% Supersaturation ([-]) |
144 | CCN at 0.4% Supersaturation ([-]) |
145 | Kappa Insol value ([-]) |
146 | Soluble Volume ([-]) |
147 | Insoluble + Soluble Volume ([-]) |
148 | aerosol water attached to organic carbon ([kg / m^3]) |
149 | organic aerosol Kappa value ([-]) |
150 | fraction of sulphate from H2SO4 ([-]) |
151 | T = air temperature ([K]) |
152 | RH = relative humidity ([0-1]) |
153 | PX = aerosol water history ([0=solid, else=wet]) |
154 | ZIONIC = ionic strength (aq) ([mol/kg]) |
155 | RHO = density (bulk mass) ([g/m3]) |
156 | VOL = bulk volume ([ucm3 m-3 (air)]) |
157 | PH = aerosol pH ([log H+]) |
158 | sPM = total solid matter ([umol m-3 (air)]) |
159 | aPM = total liquid matter ([umol m-3 (air)]) |
160 | PMt = total PM (liquids & solids) ([ug m-3 (air)]) |
161 | PMs = total PM (solids treated by EQSAM) ([ug m-3 (air)]) |
162 | rhdcr_sum = crystallization RH of mixed solution ([-]) |
163 | rhdms_sum = deliquescence RH of mixed solution ([-]) |
164 | RHcr = lowest crystallization RH in mixed solution ([-]) |
165 | RHD = lowest deliquescence RH in mixed solution ([-]) |
166 | WH2O = aerosol Water (aq) ([ug m-3 (air)]) |
167 | GF = hygroscopic growth factor ([-]) |
168 | freezing depression by aerosols ([K]) |
169 | new aerosol pH ([-]) |
170 | Kappa value ([-]) |
171 | Dry Diameter ([-]) |
172 | Critical Supersaturation ([-]) |
173 | CCN at 0.2% Supersaturation ([-]) |
174 | CCN at 0.4% Supersaturation ([-]) |
175 | Kappa Insol value ([-]) |
176 | Soluble Volume ([-]) |
177 | Insoluble + Soluble Volume ([-]) |
178 | aerosol water attached to organic carbon ([kg / m^3]) |
179 | organic aerosol Kappa value ([-]) |
180 | fraction of sulphate from H2SO4 ([-]) |
181 | T = air temperature ([K]) |
182 | RH = relative humidity ([0-1]) |
183 | PX = aerosol water history ([0=solid, else=wet]) |
184 | ZIONIC = ionic strength (aq) ([mol/kg]) |
185 | RHO = density (bulk mass) ([g/m3]) |
186 | VOL = bulk volume ([ucm3 m-3 (air)]) |
187 | PH = aerosol pH ([log H+]) |
188 | sPM = total solid matter ([umol m-3 (air)]) |
189 | aPM = total liquid matter ([umol m-3 (air)]) |
190 | PMt = total PM (liquids & solids) ([ug m-3 (air)]) |
191 | PMs = total PM (solids treated by EQSAM) ([ug m-3 (air)]) |
192 | rhdcr_sum = crystallization RH of mixed solution ([-]) |
193 | rhdms_sum = deliquescence RH of mixed solution ([-]) |
194 | RHcr = lowest crystallization RH in mixed solution ([-]) |
195 | RHD = lowest deliquescence RH in mixed solution ([-]) |
196 | WH2O = aerosol Water (aq) ([ug m-3 (air)]) |
197 | GF = hygroscopic growth factor ([-]) |
198 | freezing depression by aerosols ([K]) |
199 | new aerosol pH ([-]) |
200 | Kappa value ([-]) |
201 | Dry Diameter ([-]) |
202 | Critical Supersaturation ([-]) |
203 | CCN at 0.2% Supersaturation ([-]) |
204 | CCN at 0.4% Supersaturation ([-]) |
205 | Kappa Insol value ([-]) |
206 | Soluble Volume ([-]) |
207 | Insoluble + Soluble Volume ([-]) |
208 | aerosol water attached to organic carbon ([kg / m^3]) |
209 | organic aerosol Kappa value ([-]) |
210 | fraction of sulphate from H2SO4 ([-]) |
211 | T = air temperature ([K]) |
212 | RH = relative humidity ([0-1]) |
213 | PX = aerosol water history ([0=solid, else=wet]) |
214 | ZIONIC = ionic strength (aq) ([mol/kg]) |
215 | RHO = density (bulk mass) ([g/m3]) |
216 | VOL = bulk volume ([ucm3 m-3 (air)]) |
217 | PH = aerosol pH ([log H+]) |
218 | sPM = total solid matter ([umol m-3 (air)]) |
219 | aPM = total liquid matter ([umol m-3 (air)]) |
220 | PMt = total PM (liquids & solids) ([ug m-3 (air)]) |
221 | PMs = total PM (solids treated by EQSAM) ([ug m-3 (air)]) |
222 | rhdcr_sum = crystallization RH of mixed solution ([-]) |
223 | rhdms_sum = deliquescence RH of mixed solution ([-]) |
224 | RHcr = lowest crystallization RH in mixed solution ([-]) |
225 | RHD = lowest deliquescence RH in mixed solution ([-]) |
226 | WH2O = aerosol Water (aq) ([ug m-3 (air)]) |
227 | GF = hygroscopic growth factor ([-]) |
228 | freezing depression by aerosols ([K]) |
229 | new aerosol pH ([-]) |
230 | Kappa value ([-]) |
231 | Dry Diameter ([-]) |
232 | Critical Supersaturation ([-]) |
233 | CCN at 0.2% Supersaturation ([-]) |
234 | CCN at 0.4% Supersaturation ([-]) |
235 | Kappa Insol value ([-]) |
236 | Soluble Volume ([-]) |
237 | Insoluble + Soluble Volume ([-]) |
238 | aerosol water attached to organic carbon ([kg / m^3]) |
239 | organic aerosol Kappa value ([-]) |
240 | fraction of sulphate from H2SO4 ([-]) |
241 | aerosol number (1/cm3) |
242 | aerosol number (1/cm3) |
243 | aerosol number (1/cm3) |
244 | aerosol number (1/cm3) |
245 | aerosol number (1/cm3) |
246 | aerosol number (1/cm3) |
247 | aerosol number (1/cm3) |
248 | aerosol wet radius (m) |
249 | aerosol wet radius (m) |
250 | aerosol wet radius (m) |
251 | aerosol wet radius (m) |
252 | aerosol wet radius (m) |
253 | aerosol wet radius (m) |
254 | aerosol wet radius (m) |
255 | aerosol dry radius (m) |
256 | aerosol dry radius (m) |
257 | aerosol dry radius (m) |
258 | aerosol dry radius (m) |
259 | aerosol dry radius (m) |
260 | aerosol dry radius (m) |
261 | aerosol dry radius (m) |
262 | aerosol dry density (kg/m3) |
263 | aerosol dry density (kg/m3) |
264 | aerosol dry density (kg/m3) |
265 | aerosol dry density (kg/m3) |
266 | aerosol dry density (kg/m3) |
267 | aerosol dry density (kg/m3) |
268 | aerosol dry density (kg/m3) |
269 | surface pressure (Pa) |
270 | time bounds (days since 2020-01-01T00:00:00Z) |
To browse for the dependencies of the modelled variables, please use this link.
Dataset Info
Name of dataset
#8887 |
Date last revised
Time period of the primary data
* inherited from the metadata of the mission CAFE-EU
Data format
No license specified.