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Dataset #5516 | 170928a_CLAMS_agetrac…

RSS 2.0 Atom 1.0
uploaded by FZJ
during WISE mission.

Primary data


Information about all releases of the current dataset #5516 and their availability.
Release Upload Date Filesize File
1 2018-03-20 8.0 MiB Download Icon

Further Information

  • Begin of free primary data access: 2024-07-12
  • Number of downloads: 115

Entries (modelled variables)

Information about modelled variables of the current dataset.
No. Name
01 Latitude (DEGREE)
02 Longitude (DEGREE)
03 Hybrid potential temperature (K)
04 E30 tracer with 30 day lifetime (m^3/m^3)
05 E90 tracer with 90 day lifetime (m^3/m^3)
06 E180 tracer with 180 day lifetime (m^3/m^3)
07 E360 tracer with 360 day lifetime (m^3/m^3)
08 E720 tracer with 720 day lifetime (m^3/m^3)
09 E1080 tracer with 1080 day lifetime (m^3/m^3)
10 Modal age from age-spectrum (year)
11 Mass fraction younger than 1 month from age-spectrum (%)
12 Mass fraction younger than 3 months from age-spectrum (%)
13 Mass fraction younger than 6 months from age-spectrum (%)
14 Age Spectrum from CLaMS pulse tracer BIR (NONE)
15 Mean age from age-spectrum (10 yr) (year)
16 Age spectrum width (10 yr) (year)
17 Deacay timescale of age spectrum tail (10 yr) (year)
18 Tail-corrected mean age from age-spectrum (10 yr) (year)
19 Tail-corrected age spectrum width (10 yr) (year)
20 Norm from age-spectrum (10 yr) (XX)
21 Tail-corrected norm from age-spectrum (10 yr) (XX)
22 Mass fraction older than 24 months from age-spectrum (10 yr) (%)
23 Mass fraction older than 48 months from age-spectrum (10 yr) (%)
24 Static Pressure (from NB_PSIA) (hPa)
25 Potential Temperature (K)
A virtual entry: taxis_age given by 49 constant values
B virtual entry: time [unspecified unit] given by 28008 constant values

To browse for the dependencies of the modelled variables, please use this link.

Dataset Info

Name of dataset

#5516 |

Date last revised


Time period of the primary data


* inherited from the metadata of the mission WISE

Data format

Data Origin

Genesis of the data (see glossary):


Ongoing Subset (see glossary):



* inherited from the metadata of the mission WISE