Primary data
Release | Upload Date | Filesize | File |
1 | 2014-04-25 | 12.8 MiB |
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Further Information
- Begin of free primary data access: 2024-07-17
- Number of downloads: 203
Entries (observed variables)
No. | Name |
01 | Timesec after midnight (UTC) in sec (UTC) |
02 | Absolute Humidity [g/m^3] |
03 | Angle of Attack [deg] |
04 | Angle of Sideslip [deg] |
05 | Height above Sea Level calculated from met. data (fast) [m] |
06 | Pressure Altitude [m] |
07 | Machnumber [Ma] |
08 | Mixing Ratio [g/kg] |
09 | Static Pressure (from NB_PSIA) [hPa] |
10 | Dynamic Pressure [hPa] |
11 | Relative Humidity with Respect to Water [%] |
12 | Calculated True Airspeed [m/s] |
13 | Total Air Temperature (deicing corrected, from BDY-TTQ) [K] |
14 | Dewpoint Temperature [K] |
15 | Potential Temperature [K] |
16 | Virtual Potential Temperature [K] |
17 | Virtual Temperature [K] |
18 | Wind Vector East Component [m/s] |
19 | Wind Vector North Component [m/s] |
20 | Wind Vector Vertical Component [m/s] |
21 | Horizontal Wind Direction [deg+] |
22 | Horizontal Windspeed [m/s] |
23 | Static Air Temperature (from BDY-TTQ) [K] |
24 | System Time from DAQ [sec] |
25 | irs3aTrackAngleTrue [deg+] |
26 | irs3aTrueHeading [deg+] |
27 | irs3aPitchAngle [deg] |
28 | irs3aRollAngle/irs3aRollAngleStatus [deg] |
29 | irs3aBodyPitchRate [deg/s] |
30 | irs3aBodyRollRate [deg/s] |
31 | irs3aBodyYawRate [deg/s] |
32 | irs3aBodyLongAccels [m/s^2] |
33 | irs3aBodyLatAccel [m/s^2] |
34 | irs3aBodyNormAccel [m/s^2] |
35 | irs3aVertikalAccel [m/s^2] |
36 | irs3aInertialVertikalSpd [m/s] |
37 | gps2Altitude [m] |
38 | gps2Latitude [deg] |
39 | gps2Longitude [deg] |
40 | gps2GroundSpeed [m/s] |
41 | gps2NsVelocity [m/s] |
42 | gps2EwVelocity [m/s] |
To browse for the dependencies of the observed variables, please use this link.
Dataset Info
Name of dataset
#1194 | adlr_20140109a.nas
Date last revised
Time period of the primary data
* inherited from the metadata of the mission NARVAL
No license specified.