63 1001 Timo Keber, Tanja Schuck, Andreas Engel Institute for Atmospheric and Environmental Sciences, Goethe University Frankfurt, Altenhoeferallee 1, 60438 Frankfurt/Main, Germany HALO | GhOST-MS | mixing ratios of long-lived and very short-lived tracers measured with an in-situ GC-MS instrument WISE 1 1 2017 10 14 2018 03 14 0 Mean sample time in UT seconds past midnight of flight date 10 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 H1301 [ppt] H1211 [ppt] H2402 [ppt] H1202 [ppt] CH3Br [ppt] CH2Br2 [ppt] CHBr3 [ppt] CH2BrCl [ppt] CHBrCl2 [ppt] CHBr2Cl [ppt] 37 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ WISE flight 13 on 14.10.2017 PRELIMINARY DATA ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Please inform the authors about the use of the data Before publication, the authors of the data have to give their consent Please adhere in all cases to the WISE data protocol Contact: Andreas Engel (an.engel@iau.uni-frankfurt.de, phone +49 69 798 40259) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Calibration Scale, Precision, Accuracy and Detection Limit are given separately for each dependent variable Primary calibration reference flasks: "TO-Mutter" (UEA scales), "AGAGE H-218" (all other scales) Calibration Scales SIO-05 SIO-05 SIO-14 UEA-09 SIO-05 NOAA-Jul10-p NOAA-Dec09-p SIO-10-p UEA-11 UEA-11 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ CH3Br derived from H1211 using correlation based on balloon measurements in 2009 and 2011. CH2Br2 and CHBr2Cl derived using correlation from HALO PGS campaign 2015/2016 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Instrument precision in [%] 0.99 0.49 1.49 7.58 4.22 0.67 2.21 9.16 3.43 2.22 Instrument precision in [ppt] 0.039 0.046 0.005 0.001 0.333 0.012 0.015 0.025 0.002 0.004 Use whatever precision is larger for each data point ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Accuracy of mixing ratios in calibration gas in [%] 0.6 0.3 0.8 25.0 NaN 4.9 17.3 5.8 20.6 6.3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Detection limit (S/N 3/1) in [ppt] per 100 mL air at STP 0.050 0.006 0.007 0.006 0.646 0.011 0.086 0.130 0.002 0.002 Values below detection limit are marked as 0.00 In case no measurements are available, the missing data value is used ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sample integration time: 54 +- 1 seconds Values of t_sample are the mean of the sampling time interval ("integration time") ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Correction of analyte carry-over (memory effect): all substances Detector non-linearity: below measurement precision for all substances, no correction applied ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2 UTC H1301 H1211 H2402 H1202 CH3Br CH2Br2 CHBr3 CH2BrCl CHBrCl2 CHBr2Cl [s] [ppt] [ppt] [ppt] [ppt] [ppt] [ppt] [ppt] [ppt] [ppt] [ppt] 30106 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 30357 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 30609 3.308 3.522 0.398 0.015 8.539 0.774 0.483 0.171 0.145 0.126 30859 3.363 3.482 0.411 0.015 8.446 0.787 99999 99999 0.147 0.113 31106 3.372 3.590 0.399 0.017 8.698 0.885 99999 99999 0.166 0.150 31603 3.377 3.527 0.388 0.014 8.551 0.909 0.764 0.207 0.170 0.154 31852 3.373 3.582 0.394 0.014 8.680 0.925 0.772 99999 0.174 0.159 32101 3.412 3.565 0.395 0.014 8.640 0.891 0.775 0.272 0.167 0.142 32350 3.299 3.545 0.383 0.013 8.592 0.658 0.208 0.284 0.123 0.084 32599 3.323 3.572 0.388 0.015 8.656 0.827 0.434 0.378 0.155 0.129 32847 3.286 3.530 0.370 0.014 8.556 0.645 0.168 99999 0.121 0.083 33095 3.363 3.599 0.383 0.013 8.720 0.737 0.251 99999 0.138 0.093 33344 3.339 3.534 0.376 0.015 8.566 0.722 0.234 0.247 0.135 0.096 33591 3.385 3.575 0.389 0.014 8.663 0.742 0.266 0.286 0.139 0.099 34087 3.320 3.628 0.382 0.013 8.789 0.667 0.148 99999 0.125 0.078 34337 3.334 3.529 0.375 0.013 8.555 0.617 0.128 0.277 0.115 0.069 34585 3.300 3.475 0.370 0.016 8.428 0.563 0.078 0.228 0.105 0.059 34832 3.139 3.153 0.340 0.013 7.694 0.436 0.061 99999 0.081 0.048 35080 3.112 3.080 0.347 0.012 7.532 0.431 0.055 0.342 0.080 0.045 35328 3.084 3.055 0.332 0.012 7.477 0.406 0.035 99999 0.075 0.049 35577 3.117 3.066 0.335 0.012 7.502 0.411 0.038 99999 0.076 0.051 35825 3.140 3.104 0.346 0.012 7.586 0.420 0.047 0.244 0.078 0.049 36073 3.172 3.194 0.338 0.014 7.786 0.443 0.000 0.261 0.083 0.051 36572 3.187 3.284 0.361 0.014 7.988 0.496 0.063 99999 0.092 0.058 36820 3.254 3.214 0.356 0.014 7.831 0.461 0.056 99999 0.086 0.054 37068 3.228 3.206 0.357 0.013 7.813 0.483 0.071 99999 0.090 0.058 37316 3.252 3.310 0.375 0.014 8.047 0.514 0.068 0.293 0.096 0.056 37564 3.217 3.294 0.369 0.016 8.011 0.507 0.086 99999 0.095 0.055 37812 3.252 3.359 0.373 0.015 8.161 0.550 0.084 0.300 0.103 0.061 38062 3.224 3.246 0.368 0.016 7.903 0.474 0.072 99999 0.088 0.051 38310 3.259 3.239 0.355 0.015 7.889 0.476 0.075 99999 0.089 0.050 38558 3.235 3.255 0.361 0.013 7.923 0.460 0.061 0.276 0.086 0.049 39057 3.209 3.201 0.365 0.017 7.801 0.469 0.041 99999 0.087 0.044 39305 3.244 3.273 0.365 0.015 7.964 0.458 0.067 99999 0.085 0.045 39553 3.217 3.226 0.355 0.014 7.857 0.446 0.058 99999 0.083 0.059 39801 3.233 3.311 0.351 0.015 8.052 0.415 0.050 99999 0.077 0.067 40048 3.234 3.248 0.367 0.014 7.907 0.475 0.061 0.335 0.089 0.059 40296 3.129 3.120 0.345 0.013 7.621 0.367 0.039 0.324 0.068 0.051 40544 3.242 3.151 0.348 0.014 7.690 0.756 0.186 99999 0.142 0.144 40792 3.192 3.116 0.356 0.017 7.611 0.639 0.146 99999 0.119 0.096 41039 3.231 3.152 0.350 0.014 7.693 0.646 0.146 99999 0.121 0.085 41536 3.193 3.141 0.357 0.013 7.667 0.592 0.092 99999 0.111 0.071 41785 3.206 3.120 0.356 0.015 7.620 0.593 0.124 99999 0.111 0.067 42032 3.197 3.199 0.360 0.014 7.797 0.597 0.112 99999 0.112 0.072 42280 3.133 2.987 0.342 0.014 7.328 0.521 0.078 0.282 0.097 0.063 42528 3.179 3.182 0.358 0.015 7.759 0.578 0.090 99999 0.108 0.063 42774 3.109 3.050 0.351 0.014 7.465 0.512 0.070 99999 0.095 0.053 43023 3.125 3.073 0.343 0.013 7.516 0.498 0.062 0.222 0.093 0.048 43271 3.164 3.133 0.354 0.013 7.651 0.551 0.091 0.283 0.103 0.056 43519 3.210 3.156 0.351 0.013 7.701 0.523 0.072 0.152 0.098 0.051 44017 3.113 3.031 0.337 0.012 7.423 0.434 0.023 0.120 0.081 0.038 44265 3.100 2.926 0.344 0.012 7.195 0.409 0.031 99999 0.076 0.036 44512 3.093 2.968 0.330 0.012 7.287 0.379 0.033 99999 0.070 0.030 44760 3.032 2.953 0.327 0.013 7.254 0.337 0.000 99999 0.062 0.029 45009 3.029 2.861 0.319 0.012 7.056 0.317 0.000 99999 0.059 0.026 45257 3.003 2.824 0.318 0.012 6.976 0.313 0.000 99999 0.058 0.027 45505 3.057 2.873 0.315 0.012 7.081 0.325 0.000 99999 0.060 0.030 45752 2.973 2.784 0.315 0.013 6.892 0.318 0.000 0.094 0.059 0.029 46000 3.006 2.748 0.310 0.013 6.816 0.310 0.025 99999 0.057 0.028 46497 3.092 2.913 0.333 0.012 7.167 0.354 0.014 0.157 0.066 0.029 46744 3.071 2.907 0.324 0.014 7.155 0.354 0.000 0.193 0.066 0.036 46992 3.118 3.010 0.328 0.014 7.379 0.369 0.030 99999 0.068 0.032 47239 3.180 2.966 0.336 0.012 7.283 0.382 0.000 99999 0.071 0.032 47486 3.110 3.026 0.342 0.013 7.414 0.384 0.045 99999 0.071 0.034 47734 3.118 3.067 0.338 0.012 7.504 0.392 0.037 0.175 0.073 0.035 47982 3.168 3.209 0.346 0.013 7.820 0.395 0.000 0.137 0.073 0.038 48230 3.061 2.867 0.306 0.012 7.068 0.322 0.000 99999 0.060 0.026 48477 3.032 2.888 0.317 0.013 7.113 0.311 0.000 99999 0.058 0.025 48976 3.172 3.063 0.328 0.013 7.494 0.367 0.021 99999 0.068 0.027 49223 3.288 3.168 0.345 0.013 7.728 0.421 0.044 99999 0.078 0.040 49471 3.140 2.949 0.330 0.012 7.246 0.364 0.000 99999 0.068 0.030 49717 3.156 3.050 0.339 0.014 7.466 0.400 0.032 0.070 0.074 0.033 49965 3.195 3.125 0.342 0.013 7.632 0.402 0.042 99999 0.075 0.035 50213 3.219 3.154 0.339 0.013 7.697 0.408 0.000 99999 0.076 0.036 50460 3.093 2.916 0.327 0.013 7.174 0.344 0.000 99999 0.064 0.031 50708 3.080 2.899 0.322 0.014 7.137 0.344 0.000 0.124 0.064 0.029 50956 3.044 2.766 0.313 0.012 6.853 0.325 0.000 0.077 0.060 0.029 51454 2.911 2.563 0.285 0.012 6.430 0.252 0.007 0.150 0.046 0.018 51702 2.910 2.572 0.281 0.011 6.449 0.257 0.000 0.128 0.047 0.020 51949 2.936 2.591 0.290 0.012 6.488 0.260 0.000 99999 0.048 0.022 52197 3.037 2.764 0.310 0.013 6.850 0.299 0.000 99999 0.055 0.025 52445 3.049 2.756 0.304 0.013 6.833 0.303 0.000 99999 0.056 0.020 52691 3.021 2.684 0.306 0.012 6.681 0.300 0.000 99999 0.055 0.023 52939 3.012 2.767 0.307 0.013 6.856 0.295 0.000 99999 0.055 0.023 53187 3.302 3.254 0.357 0.015 7.920 0.507 0.079 99999 0.094 0.055 53434 3.372 3.372 0.372 0.016 8.191 0.592 0.148 0.130 0.111 0.058 53933 3.329 3.305 0.368 0.014 8.036 0.554 0.109 99999 0.103 0.053 54181 3.353 3.274 0.376 0.016 7.966 0.629 0.179 99999 0.118 0.069 54428 3.300 3.234 0.371 0.016 7.877 0.576 0.161 0.187 0.108 0.064 54676 3.213 3.144 0.356 0.014 7.675 0.416 0.046 99999 0.077 0.031 54923 3.185 3.233 0.358 0.016 7.873 0.447 0.041 99999 0.083 0.036 55171 3.143 3.123 0.343 0.015 7.628 0.386 0.033 99999 0.072 0.029 55419 3.173 3.183 0.355 0.014 7.762 0.395 0.037 0.077 0.073 0.028 55667 3.129 3.202 0.346 0.016 7.805 0.408 0.039 99999 0.076 0.034 55914 3.204 3.191 0.354 0.016 7.779 0.395 0.025 99999 0.073 0.037 56411 3.326 3.332 0.365 0.014 8.098 0.466 0.034 0.111 0.087 0.039 56659 3.324 3.319 0.363 0.014 8.070 0.455 0.056 99999 0.085 0.039 56907 3.292 3.340 0.379 0.014 8.116 0.488 0.054 99999 0.091 0.044 57154 3.327 3.288 0.375 0.014 7.999 0.508 0.065 99999 0.095 0.045 57402 3.367 3.393 0.379 0.017 8.238 0.571 0.069 99999 0.107 0.052 57648 3.343 3.425 0.384 0.016 8.313 0.584 0.096 0.110 0.109 0.056 57896 3.316 3.343 0.366 0.014 8.124 0.590 0.102 99999 0.110 0.058 58144 3.342 3.263 0.373 0.015 7.943 0.575 0.108 99999 0.107 0.058 58390 3.344 3.404 0.384 0.014 8.265 0.691 0.162 99999 0.129 0.071 58886 3.362 3.447 0.392 0.014 8.363 0.729 0.143 0.134 0.136 0.078 59133 3.395 3.466 0.383 0.014 8.408 0.738 0.165 99999 0.138 0.079 59381 3.349 3.456 0.387 0.013 8.384 0.715 0.146 0.156 0.134 0.071 59628 3.352 3.478 0.390 0.014 8.435 0.741 0.146 99999 0.139 0.072 59876 3.366 3.486 0.392 0.015 8.454 0.702 0.171 99999 0.131 0.080 60122 3.367 3.426 0.376 0.017 8.316 0.628 0.097 99999 0.117 0.060 60368 3.387 3.361 0.381 0.015 8.166 0.606 0.080 99999 0.113 0.057 60616 3.405 3.537 0.394 0.016 8.573 0.712 0.225 99999 0.133 0.083 60863 3.367 3.545 0.399 0.016 8.593 0.940 0.765 99999 0.176 0.150 61362 3.384 3.456 0.395 0.016 8.385 0.924 0.669 0.212 0.173 0.155 61611 3.399 3.563 0.400 0.015 8.634 0.748 0.332 0.219 0.140 0.098 61859 3.387 3.451 0.395 0.015 8.374 0.789 0.315 99999 0.148 0.142 62107 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 62356 3.350 3.408 0.381 0.017 8.273 0.928 0.587 0.396 0.174 0.159 62605 3.354 3.493 0.386 0.019 8.471 1.029 1.119 99999 0.193 0.195